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How can I be saved from death?


You may have never said it in those words, but I bet you've lived it out in one way or another.

The fear of illness and death has never been more prominent in our modern culture than in the past few years. Countries have shut down, economies walk crippled, and humanity has altered its way of doing things to avoid death. Whether it's getting a vaccine or looking both ways when crossing the street, we've all attempted to save ourselves from dying.

But why is death so frightening? What's the big deal?

After all, it's the most natural thing in the world. It's the most certain thing in your entire life, actually - you will die.

Death shows up in various costumes, from viruses to heart attacks, car accidents to cancer. It's the proverbial elephant in the room that everyone sees but no one wants to talk about. In our sanitized culture, sugarcoated with positive affirmations and good vibes, the subject of death is taboo.

But avoiding the idea of its existence does nothing to stop it in its tracks. It keeps coming. We can't tell you exactly when it will happen, but we know this - your death is fast approaching. When death knocks, you'll have to answer.

Since this is true (and you can't deny that it is), what can be done? While we're still living and breathing, shouldn't we think carefully about our own death and what we can do to prepare for something so unavoidable and literally life-altering?


Are you prepared to die? 


First, why does death exist?

The Bible tells us that sufferings, afflictions, catastrophes, sicknesses, and yes, death, are all the result of sin. 

But what is sin? In essence, sin is rebellion against the One true living God who created everything, including you and me. God, the Judge of all mankind, demands perfect obedience to His law. Any failure to obey His law is sin, and results in death.

Perhaps you could shrug this off and say, "Even if sin is the cause of death, so what? All you do is disappear, and that's it!" Rom 3:12

Not so fast - there's more to this story. 

You see, after death comes the final judgment of God.

When you die, you'll stand before Him as He evaluates your life according to His perfect standards of good and evil, right and wrong. The Bible says that there is "no one who does good, not even one," and that "all have sinned." Since we know that these are true statements, every human being would be found guilty and sentenced to eternal punishment - Hell.​

Hell is a terrible reality. It is a horrible place initially created for the devil and his angels. It is a place of unending misery and agony where the fire never goes out. Jesus says it is "a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth."

You might have experienced some painful things in this life, but your experiences cannot compare to the horror that awaits those sentenced to Hell - eternal, conscious torment in the lake of fire with no hope of escape. 


There is a reason people shy away from the thought of death. It's terrifying. But it doesn't have to be.​


There is hope.

If left to your own power and devices, you will be cast headlong into Hell. That's why you don't want to face final judgment on your own. 

There's someone who took this punishment on your behalf. 

Since God is a God of love, He sent His son Jesus to the earth over 2000 years ago. Jesus, who is God, left heaven's glory to become a man. He lived a sinless, perfect life, never erring in thought, word, or deed. Then, instead of leaving us to suffer and die without hope, He died for us.

Though He was innocent, He took the rightful punishment that we deserved - the fearsome wrath of God - and died for you. 

But how do we know that this sacrifice was accepted? It's simple. He rose from the dead three days later! The Father was pleased with His sacrifice, the grave could hold Him no longer, and now He's alive forevermore!

That's why you can have hope!

You can be spared eternity in Hell. You can turn God's final judgment into eternal paradise in His presence. You can turn fire and suffering into everlasting joy. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." Revelation 21:4 says, "...He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain." Psalm 16:11 says, "In Your [God's] presence is fullness of joy."


All this is yours if you believe.


Do you want to be delivered from debilitating fear? Delivered from this life's hopeless futility? Come to Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and know His love deep in your soul. His arms are opened wide, ready to receive you. Why continue as you are? Why persist in fear of eventual death and destruction? Why stay a miserable sinner? Come to Jesus!

The Bible says, "To be absent from the body [death] is to be present with the Lord' Phil. 1:23. The one believing in Jesus Christ for salvation has no reason to fear death. The Bible says, "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved" Rom. 10:13.

So come! Call on Him! And He will receive you as His own.

If you have any questions, please email us at staff@folsombiblechurch.org